Friday, August 20, 2010

[FYP] self balancing robot

This are 2 of the student's FYP i am supervising now.

the common components on the 2 bots
MCU= arduino
accelerometer and gyroscope.

what makes it so different from one and another?
The bot in the 1st video, uses IMU. A chip that have accelerometer and gyroscope bundled into a single PCB. For locomotive, it uses a tamiya twin gear with 2 DC motors on ardumotor.

The bot in the 2nd video, uses a wii nunchuck for the accelerometer and a standalone gyroscope. For locomotive, it uses 2 servo motor.

The main objective is to make a  robot that is able to balance on 2 wheels that are position laterally on both sides.
The other objective is to investigate the difference in the algorithm/software/code that need to reflect the different hardware setup.

stay tune,

akan datang.................

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