Monday, June 18, 2012


Looks like elephant?
Beef Brisket marinated with rosemary, salt, pepper. sous vide for 24 Hours, 63degC. The beef did not survive the ordeal before having the chance to get seared or torched.

HMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm. The students preferred the rosemary seasoned variant over the cumin seasoned variant. Only MT likes the beef seasoned with cumin seeds. I like both actually, but rosemary is still my top most favourite. I am so obsessed with it to the point of making the decision to name my first daughter after rose-mary. HEHEHE

I found an unused holder lying around and decide to rig it to hold my CHEAPO vacuum pump cum plastic bag sealer.
Just a note, some recipe from internet calls for using 146 deg F, or 63.3 deg C. I just conveniently punch my calculator, made a mistake and arrive at 73 deg C for the first 10Min.

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