Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Resolution

It is once again, the same period of time to do some self reflection on what I have did in 2010 and what I want to achieve in 2011.

Remember my words?? I am only worth how much I promised.....

let's recall what I promised to do in 2010.
1. drop 2kg per month I did not lose weight, instead i gained weight. Please call me dot1tonner (for) now~
2. participate in standard charted marathon I did not run in standard charted marathon. Lazy duhzzz
3. eat KFC, every saturday and sunday dinner
4. eat Macdonalds, yessss!! almost everyday especially it is so convenient.It is right below my office!
5. go to the gym. erm, only step in once last year, the day before I do my annual med check up.
6. run 10km every saturday. nope was enjoying my beauty sleep till late evening.

the conclusion, I self pwned. None of my fitness goal is achieved.

As I mentioned last year

When it comes to setting goals, be very sure the goals set are "SMART"

S= Specific / Simplified / Strategic
M= Measurable / Manageable / Money ?!
A= Achievable / Attainable / Agarlogic?!
R= Realistic / Relevant
T= Timely / Track-able / Traceable

What is missing from the above, is the how to's to achieve your goal. More importantly, a schedule on what to do that you can follow closely to achieve your goal. Since i did not paste on my wall my workout schedule as big as loan shark ah long's, hence, nothing is tracked closely and finally nothing happened. 

It is once again, the same period of time to do some self reflection on what I have did in 2010 and what I want to achieve in 2011

Now, lets do a flash back what I have done in 2010 (instead of the ones I did not do)......
1. spent many late nights in the labs (FYP, WSS). Checked. (Actually I lost count how many nights)
2. spent many Saturdays and Sunday in the office, lab. Checked. (I have access to 2x labs! 24x7 yeay~)
3. study for certification. Checked. 1x CCNA-S, 1x CCAI, 1x CCNP3, 1xCCNP2, failed 1xCCNP1
4. pickup new programming language. Checked. Android, Arduino and Processing.(In the process I mentored 2x group for android competition)
5. deliver 1x segway like robot for student FYP. Checked. Delivered 4x instead, with different variations. FYP roxxxx~! It is fun to be part of the action. The anger, the sorrow, the mourning, the delight and the adrenalin rush. It was a roller coaster ride, I hope you guys that rode with me enjoyed the process and learn how to manage tech, people and team work. This item drawn most of my energy, but it is worth every single Joules!
6. coach trainees for final round. Checked. They got 1x GOLD medal in the process of preparation. It is very hard to manage disappointment, because not all manage to get through. But, I have to move on instead of swimming in alcohol to pacify the sorrows.
7. Annual leave of 56days. Checked. I am still finding ways to use them... duhzzzz
8. receive a medal of some sort. Checked. I got the Commendation award for E-learning in EETC10
9. look out for postgrad / phd lobang. Checked. None came to my favour. It is hard on me, especially got rejected twice in a row. The feeling is worst then getting rejected by my first love(let's assume I had one).
10. Treat myself nicely?? LOL...I just had to make it a 10, since it is for 2010.

nonetheless, I applied SMART goal method to achieve it. You can do it too!

I have been especially harsh on me in my own capacity and this "aura" of my RDF (Reality Distortion Field) affects the boys and girls that worked for me directly. They draw the flak most of the time and yet they survived it. It was unintentional, BUT I really want you people to buck up and start to prioritized the designated task upon others.

Now, my 2011 goals which I am going to use the SMART goal method to align it.
1. only eat 1x meat and 2x vegetables for lunch EVERYDAY
2. only eat KFC (and only 1pcs of original breast meat) for dinner once per week.
3. say NO to macdonalds extra value meal with upsize. (only 1 double cheese burger per week)
4. burn 600cal every wednesday in the gym.
5. use my 56days annual leave

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